Summer School in Theories in Biology, Development and Cancer

Obiettivi formativi The School envisages the final release of a total of CFUs of 10 (250 hours total work for 

Obiettivi formativi

The School envisages the final release of a total of CFUs of 10 (250 hours total work for students, calculated as formal lectures and workout-discussion exercises). A certificate of attendance will be issued in the case of passing the final exam.

Dipartimento: Medicina Sperimentale

Direttore del corso: Mariano Bizzarri

Risultati di apprendimento attesi:

Over half a century ago, the pathologist Leslie Foulds stated: “…no theory of cancer–or of biology– is acceptable unless it comprehends neoplasia as one of the possible consequences of biological organization.” This state of affairs has not changed much since. The main objective of the course is to provide the framework to place cancer as a “possible consequence of biological organization”. From this perspective, we will elaborate a systemic approach for cancer research based on principles of organismal and developmental biology. During the course, we will explore the benefits of this systemic approach to the clinical management of cancer, by focusing on new targets and therapeutic strategies. A significant body of evidence is currently
evidencing that by targeting the cell-tumor microenvironment cross talk, cancer control and tumor reversion can both be achieved without significant side effects. In addition, we expect that this approach will open the way to a different way in mathematical modeling of biological processes, especially when focusing on cell phenotypic transitions.

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